Johanna Poll

Mobility grants for doctoral students

Erasmus+ studies in Europe (between European programme countries)

Blended Intensive Program, BIP


Purpose: To take part in an intensive course at a university abroad.

General conditions:

  • 5–30 days of physical (on-site) mobility carried out abroad, followed by a virtual part of the mobility;
  • must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits;
  • recognition of the course in the UT curriculum;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: To attend a BIP course, one must apply through a public call from the UT’s institute or faculty. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list.

Semester studies at a partner University


Purpose: 1–2 semesters of study at a partner university.

General conditions:

  • 2–12 months of studies in country of destination;
  • recognition of partner university’s courses in the UT curriculum;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty;
  • the minimum number of credits depends on the foreign university (generally at least 15 credits per semester);
  • a doctoral student can participate provided a doctoral student exchange has been agreed upon with the specific partner higher education institution.

Applying: The UT’s internal competition takes place in February and September. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme (between with Non-EU countries)
Doctoral student’s short-term international study mobility

Purpose: To study at a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 5–30 days of physical (on-site) studying;
  • recognition of the course in the UT curriculum;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: The UT’s internal competition takes place in March. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Semester studies at a partner University

Purpose: To study at a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 2– 5 months of studies in the country of destination;
  • recognition of study abroad in the UT curriculum. 

Applying: The UT’s internal competition takes place in March. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Partner universities of UT
Semester studies at a partner University

Purpose: To study at a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 1–2 semesters; 
  • a doctoral student can participate provided a doctoral student exchange has been agreed upon with the specific partner higher education institution;
  • preference will be given to study mobility.

Applying: The UT’s internal competitions are taking place from January to April. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Erasmus+ traineeship grant (between European programme countries)

Short-term blended mobility for traineeship


Purpose: For a traineeship abroad. Not suitable for conference participation.

General conditions:

  • 5–30 days of physical (on-site) mobility carried out abroad, followed by a virtual part of the mobility (not compulsory for doctoral studies);
  • the host organisation will provide a traineeship supervisor;
  • within the framework of a UT traineeship or for the completion of a Research, Development and Creative work module (in the latter case, it will be considered during the progress review);
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: Deadline last day of the month from September to May. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here. 

Traineeship abroad


Purpose: For a traineeship abroad.

General conditions:

  • 2-6 months of traineeship in the target country (2-3 months outside of program countries);
  • the host organisation will provide a traineeship supervisor;
  • within the framework of a UT traineeship or for the completion of a Research, Development and Creative work module (in the latter case, it will be considered during the progress review);
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: Deadline last day of the month from September to May. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme (between with Non-EU countries)
Short-term mobility for doctoral traineeships

Purpose: For a traineeship abroad at a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 5–30 days of physical (on-site) mobility in the target country; 
  • the host organisation will provide a traineeship supervisor;
  • within the framework of a UT traineeship or for the completion of a Research, Development and Creative work module;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: The UT’s internal competition takes place in March. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here. 

Traineeship abroad

Purpose: For a traineeship abroad at a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 2–3 months;
  • the host organisation will provide a traineeship supervisor;
  • within the framework of a UT traineeship or for the completion of a Research, Development and Creative work module (in the latter case, it will be considered during the progress review);
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus (ICM) partner of UT faculty.

Applying: The UT’s internal competition takes place in March. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Erasmus+ mobility in Europe (between European programme countries)


Teacher exchange

Purpose: Carrying out teaching in a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • as a rule, the duration of the posting is 4-7 days (min. 2 days without travel days);
  • at least 8 academic hours per week of teaching;
  • in the case of a combined secondment (teaching & training), the volume of teaching to be carried out is at least 4 academic hours per week;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: On an ongoing basis, at least 1 month before secondment. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Staff mobility


Purpose: Training in a foreign higher education institution or organisation: international training weeks; workshops, seminars, training courses on higher education administration, management, development and policy; training in teaching and curriculum development skills; work shadowing in a foreign higher education institution or company. Not suitable for conference participation.

General conditions:

  • the duration of the secondment is min. 3 days, i.e. at least 2 training days plus at least 1 travel day before or after the training period (except Finland and Latvia, where Estonia can go without travel days);
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: On an ongoing basis, at least 1 month before secondment. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme (between with non-EU countries)
Scholarship for training abroad

Purpose: Training at a foreign university.

General conditions: 5 program days & 2 travel days.

Applying: On an ongoing basis, at least 1 month before secondment. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Teacher exchange

Purpose: Carrying out teaching in a partner higher education institution.

General conditions:

  • 5 program days & 2 travel days;
  • at least 8 academic hours of teaching;
  • receiving institution must be Erasmus partner of UT faculty.

Applying: On an ongoing basis, at least 1 month before secondment. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

Kristjan Jaak
Scholarship for short study visits

Purpose: To participate in conferences or intensive courses, visit libraries or labs, or take part in any other study, research or teaching-related activity.

General conditions:

  • a short study visit can last up to 30 days;
  • Estonian language knowledge is at least on a B1 level.

Applying: Three to four application deadlines per year.  

The Estonian Doctoral School
Mobility grant

Purpose: To gain international teaching and research experience and to participate in and present at specialised international events.

General conditions: Short-term mobility lasts up to 30 calendar days. 

Applying: Internal competitions in UT. The information will be sent via the faculty-based mailing list or contact the project manager at for doctoral studies at your faculty.

Utrecht Network
Young Researcher’s Grant                                    

Purpose: Thesis research; it is also allowed to take courses, but priority will be given to ‘research-only’ students.

General conditions:

  • minimum length of stay: 4 weeks; 
  • the research must take place at a university belonging to the Utrecht network. Students can select the foreign university themselves - in order to apply, you need the invitation letter (letter of admission) from the host university;
  • the grant is available only for the students who cannot participate in the Erasmus programme (e.g. length of stay under 2 months, there are no Erasmus agreements with the foreign university in student's study field).

Applying: Internal competition in February. For more information and to contact the coordinator, click here.

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